
Origin of Diamonds – Where it all started

Origin of Diamonds

Origin of Diamonds

We understand the significance of diamonds as a truly extraordinary gift. These precious gemstones are composed of pure carbon atoms in a unique crystalline form that can be found adorning various types of jewelry.

How Are Diamonds Formed?

The formation of a diamond requires an immense amount of heat and pressure. Carbon undergoes a transformation process at great depths below the Earth’s surface, typically between 150 and 200 kilometers, where extreme conditions prevail. The carbon atoms crystallize under such intense temperature and pressure, giving rise to the diamond structure we admire.

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After its formation, the diamond gradually moves towards the Earth’s surface over time. It is created through solidifying and cooling magma from volcanic eruptions, a process that leaves diamonds embedded within the resulting rock. This rock, known as kimberlite or blue earth, is responsible for the formation of diamond deposits.

Over the course of many years, the kimberlite craters erode, allowing diamonds to be carried away by rainwater and accumulate in specific areas, giving rise to diamond fields. Technological advancements have also enabled the discovery of diamonds in underground wells. However, historically, the first diamonds found by humans were in riverbeds, where the blue earth deposits revealed their presence.

Diamonds have been unearthed in 35 countries worldwide, with the largest reserves located in Russia, Botswana, and South Africa. It is worth noting that the largest diamond ever discovered was found in South Africa back in 1905. The Cullinan weighed a staggering 3,106 carats and measured 10.5 centimeters in length.

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In conclusion, diamonds hold a remarkable allure as a result of their intricate formation process deep within the Earth’s lithospheric layer. The journey from extreme conditions to the Earth’s surface, accompanied by geological transformations and erosion, leads to the creation of awe-inspiring diamond fields. These captivating gemstones, found across various nations, continue to captivate us with their beauty and hold a significant place in our hearts and in the world of jewelry.

Written by Dusty Jewels

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